When used correctly, foam rolling your muscles releases tension, knots and tightness, therefore improving flexibility, strength, and muscle release and aiding in the prevention of injuries and also providing many benefits in injury rehabilitation.
Foam Rolling
iPhone Version

iPad Version
Within the Foam Rolling App you will find a variety of customized programs specifically designed for Beginners users to the most advanced. The sport specific program provides a full list of exercises that release all the muscles that are used for that particular sport. Each exercise has easy to follow step-by-step instructions and images. You will also find detailed information about specific muscles and their functions and why it is important to release tension in these muscles.
The Foam Rolling App for iPhone and iPod touch has vast array of muscle release exercises catering for first time users of foam rollers to the most advanced users. Inside the app you will find different techniques to increase pressure for further muscle release and injury prevention.
What you will find in Foam Rolling App
Foam Rolling App is your customized app specifically created for muscle release through the use of a foam roller. Foam Rolling App is your ultimate guide that aims to:
✔ Release Muscle Tension
✔ Improve Flexibility
✔ Help to Prevent Injury
✔ Improve Muscle Performance
✔ Release Stress in the Body
✔ Remove Muscle Knots
Foam Rolling App caters for all individuals that use or want to use a foam roller to massage muscle and release tightness. What you can expect to find in the Foam Rolling App:
Muscle release exercises within the app have been broken down into specific body parts with detailed infromation about the use and importance of releasing tension in specific muscles. The apps design makes it simple and easy to navigate around making the app clean and simple to use.
✔ Clean and easy to follow step by step images
✔ Detailed step by step instructions for every release
✔ Detailed muscle information for each specific muscle
✔ Specific muscle action information for each exercise
Within the Foam Rolling App you will find a variety of programs specifically designed for individual levels of use for either lower body or upper body muscle release along with a variety of total body release programs.
✔ Beginner and advanced upper body release programs
✔ Beginner and advanced lower body release programs
✔ Beginner and advanced Full body release programs
Foam Rolling App provides a large range of programs designed
specifically for specific sports to help improve performance and
reduce injuries through injury prevention. You will find programs
for the following sports:
✔ Baseball
✔ Basketball
✔ Cricket
✔ Cycling
✔ Golf
✔ Ice Hockey
✔ Netball
✔ Rugby
✔ Running
✔ Soccer
✔ Surfing
✔ Swimming
✔ Tennis